
VodafoneZiggo Rotterdam by Evolution Design

Evolution Design,

Peter Würmli,



Evolution Design is a Swiss architectural studio with an incredible talent for large-scale projects, particularly corporate and office buildings. They designed the new VodafoneZiggo centre in Rotterdam, coming up with a new idea of the call centre.

VodafoneZiggo Rotterdam by Evolution Design

When we think of a call centre, what comes to mind is normally rows of people sitting in front of screens, immersed in a repetitive environment. In Rotterdam, though, things have changed ever since VodafoneZiggo decided to redesign its call centre.

The company turned to the Swiss studio Evolution Design, which, under the guidance of Stefan Camenzind, created a 4560 square metre office based on a concept more like that of Google than the stereotypical call centre. "We wanted to encourage a sense of belonging, to create places where the staff could meet, relax and enjoy being together", says Camenzind, who is particularly aware of the importance of feedback cycles in the work ethic. "The better employees feel, the better they will treat customers. They become friendlier, more resistant to stress, more patient".

So let’s see how Evolution Design did it. A potpourri of different styles, ranging from bright colours to green spaces decorated with plants to a more urban style, so everyone would feel at home in a space in their own style. The central leisure area is an essential meeting-place with little gyms, sofas, a bar and a play area with table soccer and videogames. All according to the well-known mantra: treat your employees well if you want to succeed in every way. And here, the mantra is given visible form!

Francesco Cibati

Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Year: 2017
Area: 4560 sqm
Design: Evolution Design – www.evolution-design.info
Team: Stefan Camenzind, Tanya Ruegg, Stefanie Wandiger, Ekaterina Kozhevnikova
Photos: Peter Würmli