
The 5 top green projects on Livegreenblog

Corpo Atelier,

Ricardo Oliveira Alves,

USA, Copenhagen, Denmark,

Sport & Wellness, Kindergartens, Ville,



Restoration of an early 20th century warehouse in the US, a rural building in Portugal, a historic fountain in Italy, a nursery in Copenhagen and a prototype of a modular sustainable home are the most popular green projects covered in Floornature’s blog Livegreenblog in 2015.

The 5 top green projects on Livegreenblog

The new year is a time for making resolutions, and so we take a look at the 5 most popular green projects covered in Livegreenblog, Floornature’s blog about sustainable architecture, ecological design and innovation for the environment.
In random order, let us start with the renovation of the early 20th century Hughes Warehouse by Overland Partners in Texas, in the USA. And then go on to Portugal, where Corpo Atelier has renovated a country house made of stone, using the existing construction to create unusual effects, as shown in Ricardo Oliveira Alves’ photographs.
A participatory process led to the restoration of “Funtana Abascio”, a historic 12th century fountain in Altavilla Irpina, in Italy, performed during workshop UPDATE#05 under the guidance of Sara Omassi and Salvatore Carbone of sa.und.sa architetti . Adaptation to urban and social context are key concepts in another project, by Danish studio Cobe, whose plans for Forfatterhuset Kindergarten in Copenhagen created a cosy, green nursery school which dialogues harmoniously with the city around it.
And, to conclude, a project that addresses issues in contemporary living: KODA, a simple, sustainable prototype modular home designed by Kodasema of Estonia and presented at the Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2015, “Self-Driven City”.

(Agnese Bifulco)