Tag Wutopia Lab

The Zikawei Library by Wutopia Lab in Shanghai


The Zikawei Library by Wutopia Lab in Shanghai

The story of the Zikawei Library in Shanghai is a tale of intelligent reuse, as the building was originally designed as a bookstore by David Chipperfield Architects. Immediately after the completion of the façade and the structure, it remained empty. However, at the city's will and thanks to the intervention of the Wutopia Lab studio, it has recently become the iconic public library of the Zikawei district.

Monologue Art Museum, multifunctional space by Wutopia Lab


Monologue Art Museum, multifunctional space by Wutopia Lab

The Chinese architecture studio Wutopia Lab, commissioned by the Sino-Ocean Group, has created the Monologue Art Museum, a multifunctional space dedicated to different artistic disciplines and a sequence of spaces where visitors can enjoy art undisturbed in its various forms, from performances to exhibitions.

Living Theatre Mount by Wutopia Lab for Vanke


Living Theatre Mount by Wutopia Lab for Vanke

Living Theatre Mount is the name of the work designed by the Chinese Wutopia Lab architecture studio for the demonstration area of the Vanke Cloud Valley project for builder Xuzhou Vanke. A multifunctional building that serves both as an exhibition space to showcase the new neighbourhood under construction, as well as an element of urban connection. A place that fosters social interaction between new and old residents.

Arrival by Wutopia Lab with Roboticplus.AI, an urban sculpture


Arrival by Wutopia Lab with Roboticplus.AI, an urban sculpture

An artistic gesture to transform an anonymous square into an enticing place for passersby. This is Arrival, a 3D-printed magic realism-inspired installation in the Star Plaza of The MixC Shopping Mall in Shanghai. The intervention was commissioned by TOPYS and carried out by Wutopia Lab in collaboration with Roboticplus.AI.

Wutopia Lab and The Shrine of Everyman


Wutopia Lab and The Shrine of Everyman

The Chinese Wutopia Lab architectural firm has transformed an abandoned rural building into an attraction, in other words a rest stop for visitors to the Qian Shao Farm. A project inspired by an idea deeply rooted in Chinese culture, that of the sacredness of everyday life.

Duoyun bookstore in Taizhou designed by Wutopia Lab


Duoyun bookstore in Taizhou designed by Wutopia Lab

Chinese architecture firm Wutopia Lab has designed a new library on the banks of the Yongning River in the typical water city of Taizhou. A project that starts from the transformation of a complex of disused buildings which, thanks to a white aluminium cladding has become a point of attraction in the local urban context.

Rooms without a view. Strangers by Wutopia Lab in China


Rooms without a view. Strangers by Wutopia Lab in China

The project Strangers, by Chinese studio Wutopia Lab, investigates our relationship with holiday destinations and how we position ourselves in an unfamiliar environment. They asked themselves: should we really seek dialogue at all costs, or is it better to be a little more reserved? Strangers has 7-metre-high walls, with a monastic feel, but without denying the possibility of togetherness.

Wutopia Lab’s Satori Harbor Library in Guangzhou


Wutopia Lab’s Satori Harbor Library in Guangzhou

The Satori Harbor Library in Guangzhou, designed by Chinese studio Wutopia Lab, is located inside Vipshop’s headquarters. The library reveals the complex mechanism of the world by creating an abstract harbour city in which readers can wander among the books finding moments of enlightenment and deliverance.

The Aluminum Mountain by Wutopia Lab


The Aluminum Mountain by Wutopia Lab

The Chinese architecture firm Wutopia Lab has crafted an aluminium mountain in Luofu, Canton. This intriguing architecture is the showroom of the Industrial Park of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and it bounces off the power and the spirit of the local landscape.

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