Tag Venice Biennale

Testimonial Spaces, the Chilean pavilion at Biennale di Venezia 2021


Testimonial Spaces, the Chilean pavilion at Biennale di Venezia 2021

The Chilean pavilion at the Arsenale di Venezia, entitled "Testimonial Spaces", exhibits 525 paintings created on the basis of testimony of the inhabitants of the José María Caro neighbourhood in Santiago de Chile, drawing on past and present experience to answer the question “How will we live together?” posed by the 17th International Architecture Exhibition at the Biennale di Venezia.

Peter Pichler Architecture + ARUP design winning project for the Bonfiglioli Headquarters


Peter Pichler Architecture + ARUP design winning project for the Bonfiglioli Headquarters

The project designed by the Peter Pichler Architecture studio and developed in collaboration with ARUP, is the winner of the design competition for the construction of the new Bonfiglioli Headquarters in Bologna. The new building has been designed to comply with the most stringent energy efficiency standards: it will have a zero environmental impact and is expected to become an example in terms of sustainability and design. The project is currently being exhibited in the Italian pavilion curated by architect Alessandro Melis, on the occasion of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia.

Composite Presence, the Belgian pavilion at the 17th Architecture Biennale


Composite Presence, the Belgian pavilion at the 17th Architecture Biennale

The Belgian pavilion at the 17th Architecture Biennale proposes the exhibition Composite Presence, composed of 50 projects which curator Dirk Somers of Bovenbouw Architectuur exhibits as a report on the contemporary city in the Flanders, asking: how can the city and architecture grow together?

Co-ownership of Action: Trajectories of Elements, the Japanese pavilion at the 2021 Biennale


Co-ownership of Action: Trajectories of Elements, the Japanese pavilion at the 2021 Biennale

In the exhibition in the Japanese pavilion, entitled “Co-ownership of Action: Trajectories of Elements”, curator Kozo Kadowaki responds to the question “How will we live together?” posed by the 17th International Architecture Exhibition at Biennale di Venezia by demonstrating that our actions have a multitude of repercussions.

OFF FENCE: an installation at the 17th Venice Biennale


OFF FENCE: an installation at the 17th Venice Biennale

Sculptor Matěj Hájek and architect Tereza Kučerová were invited as the sole representatives of the Czech Republic to the 17th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, curated by Hashim Sarkis. In the ‘How will we play together?’ section, in the freely accessible Forte Marghera, they are presenting OFF FENCE, an installation which investigates the theme of the fence or, more broadly, of separation.

Land.Milk.Honey. The Israeli Pavilion at the 17th Architecture Biennale


Land.Milk.Honey. The Israeli Pavilion at the 17th Architecture Biennale

What happens when coexistence relies on managing to transform a biblical promise into reality? This question is answered in the Israeli Pavilion, which shows with extreme lucidity and clarity how ideology - translated into colonialism, settlement, urbanisation, infrastructure and mechanised agriculture - has radically reshaped the environment of Palestine-Israel, and consequently also the relationship between the two peoples.

Philippe Sarfati presents Territories, or: how will we live together with architecture


Philippe Sarfati presents Territories, or: how will we live together with architecture

French architect and photographer Philippe Sarfati has presented his book Territories in the Italian Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition at Biennale di Venezia. In the context of an event in the pavilion curated by Alessandro Melis, Sarfati shows how the photographic representation of architecture influences its reception and, consequently, its resilience.

Othernity, Hungary at the 17th Architecture Biennale


Othernity, Hungary at the 17th Architecture Biennale

Othernity, the Hungarian exhibition at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale, provides thought-provoking answers to an important question: what lessons can be learnt from the legacy of architectural modernism left behind in Central and Eastern Europe? The answers offered by the 12 emerging studios invited to participate in the initiative are presented in a captivating way, while at the same time providing interesting inputs for other geographical contexts.

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