Tag Observatorium

Public Art for Public Life book by Observatorium


Public Art for Public Life book by Observatorium

Working between architecture, sculpture, and landscape, focusing on themes such as the creative process, temporality, integration in changing landscapes, public participation, and imagination. In short, this is the work of the Dutch art collective Observatorium presented in their latest book Public Art for Public Life, published by nai010 publishers.

Stadtkrone, land art by Observatorium in Dorsten


Stadtkrone, land art by Observatorium in Dorsten

The Rotterdam-based art collective, Observatorium, is back in the Ruhr area, this time in Dorsten. Their new work entitled Stadtkrone, the city crown so to speak, is tied to their previous interventions carried out in the area. Stadtkrone is a landmark in a recently redeveloped city park, created to provide users with a new panoramic observation point over the Lippe river and the Canal.

Rotterdam by bike, from countryside to canals


Rotterdam by bike, from countryside to canals

The city of Rotterdam is known for its harbour and its architecture, especially from the post-war period and today’s famous icons, from the Erasmus Bridge to the station and the Markthal, to name but a few. But in no time at all, you can ride your bike out of the city, through the green countryside with its picturesque canals and farms.

Colonnade, artwork by Observatorium in Chemnitz


Colonnade, artwork by Observatorium in Chemnitz

The Rotterdam-based Dutch art collective, Observatorium has created a temporary wooden architectural sculpture called Wandelgang/Colonnade in Chemnitz, Germany. Their work is part of the Gegenwarten/Presences festival celebrating art in the public urban space and launching a message of renewal.

Dwarsligger by Observatorium in Aalst, Belgium


Dwarsligger by Observatorium in Aalst, Belgium

The city of Aalst in Belgium is divided by the river Dender but has no relationship with the water.

MVRDV completed Skygarden Seoullo 7017 in Seoul


MVRDV completed Skygarden Seoullo 7017 in Seoul

On Saturday 20 May 2017 MVRDV has opened officially the new public park in Seoul, Skygarden Seoullo 7017.

The City and The Water, International Winter School


The City and The Water, International Winter School

2017 will see the start of International Winter School, organised by the DESTeC (Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering), University of Pisa.

Three books that Livegreenblog recommends for the holidays.


Three books that Livegreenblog recommends for the holidays.

Holiday time is reading time.

The Versilia River - The City and the Water workshop


The Versilia River - The City and the Water workshop

This year's International Summer School “The City and the Water” organised by DESTeC (Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering), University of Pisa, the Foundation Terre Medicee and CAV (Centro Arti Visive of Pietrasanta), has begun and is exploring the territory crossed by the Versilia river.

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