
The Soul of Nørrebro wins the Nordic Built Cities Challenge Awards

SLA, Ramboll, Arki_Lab, Gadeidræt, Aydin Soei, Social Action, Saunders Architecture,

Copenhagen, Denmark,

Landscape, Sport & Wellness,


Urban Interventions, Retraining, Award,

Can excess precipitation be transformed from a problem into a resource? A positive answer comes from The Soul of Nørrebro, a project by a multidisciplinary team led by SLA architectural studio which has won the Nordic Built Cities Challenge Awards.

The Soul of Nørrebro wins the Nordic Built Cities Challenge Awards

Nørrebro, one of Copenhagen’s most enjoyable and multicultural neighbourhoods, will have a new “soul”. Redevelopment of Hans Tavsense park and Korsgade avenue will begin in 2019 to plans by a multidisciplinary team including architects, engineers, ethnologists and biologists led by SLA architectural studio; the project has won the 2016 Nordic Built Cities Challenge Awards.

The judges acknowledged the project’s all-inclusive, humanistic approach, strongly linked with the specific features of the place but founded on universally valid principles and natural processes which allow it to be exported and applied to other locations on different scales. The Soul of Nørrebro and its great social and cultural value offer a new model of development for Nordic cities. Water from frequently intense, devastating rainfall is not considered a “problem” to be solved but a resource to be saved with a big natural reservoir.
The reservoir collects rainwater, which is naturally purified by plant life. The project creates an important synergy between the hydrogeological cycle, the biological cycle and the social cycle. The architects designed the new park with the involvement of local associations, institutions, schools and citizens. The solution to the hydrogeological problem creates highly attractive new urban spaces which improve the inhabitants’ social life and relationship to nature.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Project name: THE SOUL OF NØRREBRO – Climate Adaptation of Hans Tavsens Park & Korsgade
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Service: Urban design and climate adaptation
Client: The Municipality of Copenhagen
Design: 2016
Completion: 2022
Area: 85.000 m2
Team: SLA (lead consultant) Ramboll, Arki_Lab, Gadeidræt, Aydin Soei, Social Action, Saunders Architecture
Images: ©SLA / Beauty and the Bit
