
Simone Micheli, Mi-Sha luxury taste experience

Simone Micheli,

Milan, Shanghai,

Expo, Pavilions, Gallery,


Porcelain Tile,


GranitiFiandre will be at a number of FuoriSalone 2011 events. In Simone Micheli’s project, Active tiles become tables in an exclusive Restaurant Event.

Simone Micheli, Mi-Sha luxury taste experience
During FuoriSalone in Milan April 12 to 17 Simone Micheli and Alessandro Rosso present Mi-Sha, an exclusive Restaurant Event. The name was made up by combining Milan and Shanghai: the Expo twin cities – Milan will host the 2015 Expo focusing on the theme “Feed the Planet, Energy for Life”, while Shanghai hosted Expo 2010, which closed only a few months ago. GranitiFiandre, partner of the Italian pavilion at Expo in Shanghai, will be represented in Micheli’s new installation by Taxos Extreme Active tiles. The collection, produced using the Active™ Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramicmethod, exploits the photocatalytic properties of titanium dioxide to give porcelain stoneware eco-active, anti-pollutant and anti-bacterial properties. Properties that allow it to be used in an unusual way in Simone Micheli’s interior design project. Amidst projected images, unusual lighting solutions and a variety of white furnishings, Active tiles becomes tables to dine on, enjoying traditional Milanese cuisine adapted to a Chinese fusion style.

by Agnese Bifulco

Interior design: Simone Micheli
Where: Seven Stars Galleria, Galleria V. Emanuele II, 11-12 – Milan, Italy
Dates: April 12-17 2011
