
Michele De Lucchi Coffee Tables exhibition

Michele De Lucchi,


Gallery, Sport & Wellness,

Exhibition, Arts,

On exhibit at Antonia Jannone Art Gallery in Milan, nineteen little tables and new sculptures by architect Michele De Lucchi.

Michele De Lucchi Coffee Tables exhibition
Architect Michele De Lucchi reflects on an everyday object which has been identified as belonging to the furnishings of home as far back as ancient Egypt: the little table.

These "architectures without a scale" which have no name of their own but merely an adaptation of the name of another item of furniture serve a great variety of uses in addition to the conventional function of tables for writing or eating.

"I see these little tables as true works of architecture," says the architect, "with their own columns, beams, surfaces and floors, and I have made them into a series of little sculptures".

Michele De Lucchi used simple tools to work on 19 little tables made of solid walnut and create robust objects such as those found in the tomb of the ancient Egyptian architect Kha, superintendent over the work on the royal tombs of Thebes, which will be on display until January 14 at Antonia Jannone Art Gallery in Milan.

Dates: December 1 2011 to January 14 2012
Location: Antonia Jannone Art Gallery, Milan - Italy
Illustrations: Michele De Lucchi
