
Home at Arsenale Slovenia Pavilion Venice Biennale 2016

STUDIO, OFIS architects, Alejandro Aravena, Tatiana Bilbao,

Venice, Italy,

Biennale di Venezia,


Exhibition, Venice Biennale,

Architects Aljoša Dekleva and Tina Gregori? of Dekleva Gregori? architects are the curators of the Slovenian pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale. Home at Arsenale is a wooden installation, a habitable structure containing about 300 volumes selected by architects, artists and critics focusing on the theme of the home.

Home at Arsenale Slovenia Pavilion Venice Biennale 2016

The plan for the installation in the Slovenian pavilion at "Reporting from the Front", the 15th International Architecture Exhibition under the direction of Alejandro Aravena at the Biennale in Venice, was created by architects Aljoša Dekleva and Tina Gregori? of Dekleva Gregori? architects. The architects designed a live-in bookcase made of wood. Their starting point was the fact that since the dawn of civilisation, the majority of human constructions have been intended to create a residence: a place which satisfies the most basic needs of life. The concept requires review in view of the need to give life a meaning beyond mere survival in today's information society, characterised by continuous commuting, by permanent movement.

"Home At Arsenale" is a bookcase that becomes a temporary shelter for visitors, who can sit down and curl up among the books. The bookcase contains about 300 volumes selected by architects, artists, critics and curators from different parts of the world, who were invited to make a contribution to building collective knowledge. Each of the people invited identified 10 titles addressing the issue of the home, coming from their own experience and knowledge. The structure is designed to adapt perfectly to the space available in the Arsenale, and the orientation of the shelves is differentiated to maximise the natural light entering the space via one window and one door. At the end of the Biennale, the installation will be taken apart and put back together again in the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) in Ljubljana, where it will remain at the public's disposal.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Commissioner Matev' ?elik, Museum of Architecture and Design
Curators Aljoša Dekleva / Tina Gregori?, Dekleva Gregori? architects
Location: Arsenale, Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy

Images courtesy of Dekleva Gregori? architects

Exhibitors / Participants
Stephen Bates / SERGISON BATES architects / UK // Matija Bevk , Vasa J. Perovi? / BEVK PEROVI? architects / Slovenia // Tatiana Bilbao / TATIANA BILBAO ESTUDIO, architect / Mexico // Jan Boelen / Z33, curator / Belgium // Dominique Boudet / architecture critic / France // Arno Brandlhuber / BRANDLHUBER+, architect / Germany // Aljoša Dekleva , Tina Gregori? / DEKLEVA GREGORI? architects / Slovenia // Sofia von Ellrichshausen, Mauricio Pezo / PEZO VON ELLRICHSHAUSEN, artists and architects / Chile // Jesko Fezer / IFAU und JESKO FEZER, architect / Germany // Konstantin Grcic / KGID, designer / Germany // Juan Herreros / ESTUDIO HERREROS, architect / Spain // Toma' Krištof / STUDIO KRIŠTOF, architect / Slovenia // Jan Liesegang / RAUMLABORBERLIN, architect / Germany // Hrvoje Njiri? / NJIRIC+ architects / Croatia // Michael Obrist / FELD72, architect / Austria / Italy // Rok Oman, Špela Vide?nik / OFIS architects / Slovenia // Marjetica Potr? / architect and artist / Slovenia / Germany // Pascale and Christian Pottgiesser / CHRISTIAN POT TGIESSER ARCHITECTURESPOSSIBLES (CPAP), architects / France // Alice Rawsthorn / design critic / UK // Emmanuel Rubio / literary and architecture critic / France // Jurij Sadar, Boštjan Vuga / SADAR+VUGA, architects / Slovenia // Irénée Scalbert / architecture critic / UK / France // Brett Steele / AA, architect and architectural editor / UK // Yui Tezuka , Takaharu Tezuka / TEZUKA architects / Japan // TYIN tegnestue / architects / Norway // Aleš Vodopivec / architect / Slovenia // Maruša Zorec / ARREA, architect / Slovenia