
David Chipperfield, 2012 architecture biennial

Kazuyo Sejima, David Chipperfield,

Sport & Wellness, Offices, Bar,


David Chipperfield has been appointed director of the Architecture sector of the 2012 Venice Biennale.

David Chipperfield, 2012 architecture biennial
Continuing along the path undertaken with architect Kazuyo Sejima, director of the 2010 Architecture Biennale, the Biennale?s Board of Directors officially announced on December 27 2011 that David Chipperfield had accepted the appointment as director of the architecture section in 2012.

The appointment of David Chipperfield was no surprise, as the architect?s name had been mentioned several times and speculation as to his appointment had appeared in several articles in the press and on the web.

Biennale president Paolo Baratta announced that the 2012 Architecture Exhibition will focus on relationships between great architects and the younger generation. The many initiatives involved include a re-launch of the Biennale Session programme, already successfully attempted in 2010, with the direct involvement of universities from all over the world.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Illustrations: David Chipperfield ©Ingrid von Kruse courtesy of DAM
