
Connekt: a coffee shop that makes Holland a better place

University, Sport & Wellness, Offices,


Wood, Metal,

Connekt Café was created in the boiler room of Delft University, in the Netherlands, by Ateliers Interior & Architecture. A coffee shop in high-tech style that brings the authorities, cultural institutions and industries together to promote sustainable mobility in the country.

Connekt: a coffee shop that makes Holland a better place

In the old boiler room at Delft University of Technology, Dutch studio Ateliers Interior & Architecture has created an office and meeting place for the members of Connekt.
Connekt is an organisation bringing together authorities, industries and cultural institutions to promote sustainable, reliable trade. But to make this possible, the various parties involved need to get together.

At Connekt Café a staff member can begin the day by enjoying a good cup of cappuccino in a clean, contemporary location with big windows, white walls and metal trim. Wood adds a natural touch, painted white to contrast boldly with the subtle high-tech materials, giving the space an almost sculptural look that perfectly expresses the concept of innovation and technology.
Conferences are often held at Connekt Café, and so there are modular tables of trapezoidal shape which can be set up in different ways as required.

The upper levels contain not only the employees’ offices but a greenhouse where they can hold informal meetings. The big metal beams supporting the roof will soon be fitted with swings so that staff members can play while at work. And to top it all off, the staff can enjoy a drink and relax together after work. As the architects say: "Networking is really not working in this place!"

Francesco Cibati

Location: Delft, the Netherlands
Year: 2014
Architect: Patricia Hessing, Ifke Brunings, Jasper Westebring – Ateliers Interior & Architecture
Photos: Moni Van Bruggen
