
Original and unrepeatable, as in Nature: Palladio FMG ceramic slabs

ACTIVE SURFACES, Design, Classic, Interior Floor, contemporary,

Stone, Porcelain Tile,

FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti, Interior Design,

FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti proposes the Palladio collection for surface design in 2021, available in six neutral colours with two finishes, natural and honed. A surface of great visual fascination with a handcrafted flavour, Palladio features unrepeatable random distribution of colours and grit to create a different result in every single slab, as unique and original as materials produced by natural processes. Palladio Naturale can also be made on request with the exclusive eco-active ACTIVE SURFACES finish, featuring antibacterial, antiviral and anti-pollutant action to make spaces more healthful and improve quality of life

Original and unrepeatable, as in Nature: Palladio FMG ceramic slabs
Nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for contemporary design. The combination of forces and elements, such as earth, water, fire and pressure, not only establishes the necessary conditions for life but gives rise to all the geological processes that create the materials human beings have used since the dawn of history.
With their great variety of colour and hue, always original and unique, stones, rocks and marble represent a key reference for production of contemporary ceramics, in terms of both appearance and technical performance. 
Man-made stone and marble are produced by the processes present in Nature, exponentially speeded up with compacting under extremely high pressure (up to 480 kg/cm2) and firing temperatures higher than those present inside a volcano (1300°C or more, as compared to 1100°C).
This is not merely a matter of reproducing natural materials, for the advanced technological performance allows the finished product made of beautiful high-tech ceramic to eliminate the defects present in natural materials, such as the risk of cracking, porosity, schistosity, air sacs and possible variations in hue.
At the same time, man-made stone and marble maintain the essential morphological and aesthetic qualities of natural materials, such as uniqueness, calibration and three-dimensionality.
FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti is a key player on the global market for manufacture of ceramic surfaces, covered by international patents. 
The company’s vast catalogue of surfaces includes a series of products reproducing all the principal materials for covering surfaces, floors, countertops and walls, now also useable to create custom furnishings thanks to the potential of 320x160 cm Maxfine maxi-slabs.
Homogeneous, unalterable, large yet extremely thin, FMG high-tech ceramic slabs are the result of a process which, as we have seen, reproduces what occurs in nature over the course of geological eras, in which clays, sands and minerals are compacted by movements of the earth’s crust and the heat of its surface layers. 
FMG uses the same basic elements, carefully selected and ultra-pure, to create products that are also environmentally compatible, in that sands, clays and minerals are reclaimed without damaging or compromising the environment they come from.
For design in 2021, FMG offers slabs from its Palladio collection: "a solid material which makes no distinction between outer surface and core, made with interpenetrating mixes of different colours".
Composed exclusively of high-quality minerals and clays, processed ecologically without solvents, resins or chemical additives, Palladio is a surface covering that makes originality its strong point. 
Its different coloured mixes are in fact combined entirely randomly "to create a unique, unrepeatable mix in every slab". A system of patented technologies reproduces the randomness of nature while maintaining a handmade look.
Palladio is a ceramic slab which looks different from any other, thanks to the random distribution of the grit and a chromatic harmony of great expressive power, with strong decorative connotations.
Palladio is available in six versions, Foscari, Valmarana, Cornaro, Certosa, Chiericati and Pisani, offering a delicate colour palette including neutral hues of beige and light and dark grey.
Versatile enough for a number of different applications, FMG’s Palladio is perfect for covering surfaces in private homes, public spaces and retail outlets, creating a refined, serene, positive mood.
Palladio Naturale is available on request with the exclusive ACTIVE SURFACES eco-active surface treatment. ACTIVE SURFACES for floors and walls have a photocatalytic, anti-pollution, anti-bacterial and antiviral action, demonstrated by ISO certification.
ACTIVE SURFACES technology, protected by two European patents, allows ceramic surfaces to truly improve the healthfulness and safety of spaces and of those who use them.
Intended for both residential projects and public spaces, for offices, healthcare facilities and places of hospitality, ACTIVE SURFACES are a farsighted, conscientious choice adding to the great technical and aesthetic value of FMG materials.

Marco Privato