
THE DAY WILL COME, Triennial of Photography in Hamburg

Paolo Schianchi,

Amburgo, Germania,




The Triennial of Photography in Hamburg ended a few days ago.

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THE DAY WILL COME, Triennial of Photography in Hamburg
The Triennial of Photography in Hamburg ended a few days ago. “The Day Will Come” is the motto for one of the projects exploring the future of photography, increasingly influenced by digital technology. A highly newsworthy issues that is also developed through a number of collateral events.
The digital revolution spans every part of our lives but photography is without a doubt the area where the effect is clearest, even impacting the way we communicate, more and more centred on images. It's no coincidence that people like 
Paolo Schianchi, l'immagine è un oggetto suggest that the image is an object and as such needs its own key for both interpretation and ethical design.

These are all questions covered by the 2015 edition of the Triennial of Photography in Hamburg. Although the actual event finished on 28 June, the museums in Hamburg continue the themed exhibitions under the motto “THE DAY WILL COME”. 
So at the Stiftung historischer Museen (foundation of historical museums) you can visit “THE DAY WILL COME WHEN THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE” showcasing its collections, while the Deichtorhallen exhibition, THE DAY WILL COME WHEN MAN FALLS explores the work of contemporary photographer, Phillip Toledano. 

At the Bucerius Kunstforum you can enjoy “THE DAY WILL COME WHEN WATER MATTERS” about water in painting and in photography, while the museum for minor arts (Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe) handles the networking phenomenon with THE DAY WILL COME WHEN WE SHARE MORE THAN EVER.

The Kunsthalle is showcasing the principle of hope in modern photography: “THE DAY WILL COME WHEN THERE IS HOPE” and the Kunstverein delves into the weight of the image with “THE DAY WILL COME WHEN PHOTOGRAPHY REVISES”.

These exhibitions are all open until September, the perfect opportunity to visit Hamburg!

Christiane Bürklein

Triennial of Photography
from 19 to 28 June 2015
Hamburg, Germany
Collateral exhibitions: http://www.phototriennale.de/
Images: courtesy of Triennale der Photographie, rights of the authors
Robert Longo, Untitled (Dragon‘s Head), 2005
aus der Serie Monsters, DZ Bank Kunstsammlung
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2015
Phillip Toledano, Untitled, 2013 aus der Serie:
Maybe, 2012 – heute, © Phillip Toledano
Adrian Paci, Centro di Permanenza temporanea, 2007
Sammlung Deutsche Bank © Courtesy the artist,
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zürich, Kaufmann & repetto, Mailand
Penelope Umbrico, Signals Still, 2011 © Penelope Umbrico
Una Szeemann, Ektoplasma, nicht das Ding selbst,
sondern der Moment seines Widerspruches, 2014
© Courtesy of the artist
Emil Puls, Kartoffelernte in Dorfmark,
Lüneburger Heide, Anfang 20. Jhd
© Emil Puls