
The City and The Water workshop has started



Workshop, Retraining,

The workshop “The City and The Water” starts in Pietrasanta on Monday 7th September.

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  3. The City and The Water workshop has started

The City and The Water workshop has started The workshop “The City and The Water” starts in Pietrasanta on Monday 7th September. Two weeks dedicated to self-building, from surveying to the development of the final project and its creation under the scientific direction of Santiago Cigureda. 

“The City and The Water, Architecture arts and self construction experiences for a new artisan area in Pietrasanta” is the title of the international workshop organised by DESTeC (Territorial Energy System Engineering and Construction Department), Pisa University, Pietrasanta Municipality, Pietrasanta CAV (Visual Arts Centre) and in collaboration with the artistic laboratory “I 2 Luoghi” under the scientific direction of Spanish architect Santiago Cigureda.

The objective of the workshop is the development of proposals for the regeneration of the artisan area in Due Laghi (Pietrasanta) and its rural setting. It is a green area with two lakes originating from an old clay pit surrounded by wooded hills.
Project proposals aim to develop guidelines for increasing the functionality and usability of the area both for workers and for potential visitors. Particular attention will be made on the creation of new spaces for cultural and artistic events, in order to make the area known, appreciated and valued. After the first design phase, a self-construction laboratory will follow.

Students will be guided by the architect Santiago Cirugeda (Recetas urbanas, Seville), scientific director of the Summer School, and will work in close collaboration with the artists and artisans of the "2 Luoghi". The director of the Summer School is prof. Roberto Pierini, president of the Master Degree Course in Architectural Engineering at the University of Pisa. Among the guest lecturers, the artists Paolo Ulian and Andrea Salvetti, and the architect Alessandra Capanna, professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Università La Sapienza in Rome. 

The various phases of the workshop, sponsored by the Fiandre group, will be followed on Livegreenblog with news reports directly from the exhibition at the end of the event on 19th September September 19, 18:00 at the “Due Laghi” Artisan Area (loc. Vecchiucchio) in Pietrasanta.

Christiane Bürklein

“The City and The Water, Architecture arts and self construction experiences for a new artisan area in Pietrasanta”
Organisers: DESTeC (Territorial Energy System Engineering and Construction Department), University of Pisa, Pietrasanta Municipality and CAV (Pietrasanta Visual Arts Centre).
In collaboration with: The artistic laboratory “I 2 Luoghi” and Santiago Cigureda, Recetas Urbanas (http://www.recetasurbanas.net/) and Livegreenblog
Scientific Director: Santiago Cigureda
Course Director: Prof. Roberto Pierini 
Images: Paolo Vezzoni, courtesy of zeropiùstudio  http://www.zeropiustudio.it/