
United Kingdom Pavilion Expo Milano 2015


Pavilions, Expo, Sport & Wellness,


The Jury has selected the United Kingdom Pavilion for the International EXPO MILANO 2015 Pavilion Architecture Award. Voting is open to the public until October 20 2015.

United Kingdom Pavilion Expo Milano 2015

The United Kingdom Pavilion has been presented with an award for pavilion architecture at Expo Milano 2015 by IN/ARCH, ANCE, CNAPPC, Federcostruzioni and OICE with the coordination and support of PPAN.
The pavilion was designed by artist Wolfgang Buttress in partnership with structural engineer Tristan Simmonds and the architectural studio BDP. The judges find it to be the pavilion best interpreting the theme, with a great focus on the details of construction. It has been identified as an example of light, innovative, communicative architecture, the result of teamwork by professionals in different disciplines, and is inspired by the scientific research conducted by Dr. Martin Bencsik, an expert on beehive monitoring.
The key element in the construction is a beehive made out of an aluminium grid structure. The installation is lit up by about 900 LED lights transmitting data from a real beehive in Nottingham (UK), about 1400 km away.
The metal sculpture underlines the importance of pollination for the sustainability of the food chain all over the planet; one third of all the food consumed in the world is dependent on the activities of bees.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of UKTI ® Crown Copyright
