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The Heart of Eboli - Giardini allestiti per legami animati


The Heart of Eboli - Giardini allestiti per legami animati

From 1st to 3rd June 2017 the historic centre of Eboli will be enlivened with an eco-sustainable event. As part of the Radicity urban renewal project, abandoned spaces in the city will become parks, through the involvement of eight architects.




The museum designed by Zaha Hadid was presented to the public on 6th May at Open House, Rome with a new exhibition of the permanent collection and works never seen before.

Naples, Rione Sanità: two piazzas restored to Beauty


Naples, Rione Sanità: two piazzas restored to Beauty

Fondazione di Comunità San Gennaro, the Architecture Department of Naples University and a number of other partners have permitted the urban reclamation of two piazzas in Rione Sanità on the basis of participatory design. The piazzas were inaugurated during the events marking the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Prince Antonio de Curtis, better known as Totò.

Eduardo Souto de Moura Piranesi 2017 Prix de Rome for Lifetime Achievement


Eduardo Souto de Moura Piranesi 2017 Prix de Rome for Lifetime Achievement

To conclude the “Settimana Adrianea” held March 21 through 24, 2017 at Casa dell'Architettura in Rome, architect Eduardo Souto de Moura will hold a lectio magistralis and receive the 2017 Piranesi Prix de Rome for Lifetime Achievement.

IN practice The state of committed architecture in Europe


IN practice The state of committed architecture in Europe

The work of 37 studios shortlisted for the IN practice research project will be on display in Naples until March 8: a joint project by the Italian Architecture and Criticism Association AIAC and A10 new European architecture, supported and promoted by Gnosis Architettura.

Wehrhahn-Linie, infrastructure and art in Düsseldorf


Wehrhahn-Linie, infrastructure and art in Düsseldorf

The new underground line in Düsseldorf, the Wehrhahn-Linie, is one of Düsseldorf's biggest public works in recent times.

Bed & Boarding sleeping in the airport in Naples


Bed & Boarding sleeping in the airport in Naples

Italy’s first capsule hotel opened in Naples on January 11. “BenBo” stands for Bed and Boarding and is located in the renovated Pegaso building near Capodichino international airport.

Architectures of light in the city in winter


Architectures of light in the city in winter

The Christmas lights that lend a fairy-tale atmosphere to some of the most significant places in our cities are among the most exciting events of the Christmas holidays. Decorations and true works of art made of light, intangible architectures and impressive structures capture all the magic of Christmas.

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