Tag Lemoal Lemoal Architectes

Lemoal Lemoal’s sports hall of timber and hempcrete blocks


Lemoal Lemoal’s sports hall of timber and hempcrete blocks

Lemoal Lemoal’s sports hall in Croissy Beaubourg is made of timber and hempcrete blocks, offering top technical performance.

Sheet metal, steel and brick in the Lemoal Lemoal youth centre


Sheet metal, steel and brick in the Lemoal Lemoal youth centre

A municipal deposit in Crosne, France is converted into a centre for youth and local associations

Timber and terra cotta for Lemoal Lemoal architects’ social centre in Cabourg


Timber and terra cotta for Lemoal Lemoal architects’ social centre in Cabourg

In Cabourg, France, a big terracotta tiled roof designed by Lemoal Lemoal architectes covers a social and cultural centre with a timber frame.

Lemoal Lemoal Architectes New facilities for the Garden Tennis Club in Cabourg


Lemoal Lemoal Architectes New facilities for the Garden Tennis Club in Cabourg

Parisian firm Lemoal Lemoal Architectes has designed the new changing rooms for the Garden Tennis Club in Cabourg. Though the project may be small in scale, it is significant in its interpretation of traditional construction techniques. The architects lent a contemporary look to the traditional half-timbered houses typical of the region. The design of the changing rooms is part of a wider renovation plan involving the entire sports facility, overseen largely by Lemoal Lemoal Architectes.

Lemoal Lemoal Architectes - Gonzague Saint Bris social and cultural Centre in Cabourg


Lemoal Lemoal Architectes - Gonzague Saint Bris social and cultural Centre in Cabourg

The project concerning the Gonzague Saint Bris social and cultural centre completed in Cabourg (France) by the Paris-based firm Lemoal Lemoal Architectes, is an interesting urban answer that revitalises a plot of land without landscape value. The architects designed a sustainable complex based on local materials, reinterpreting the archetype of a typical Norman farmhouse.