
Sheet metal, steel and brick in the Lemoal Lemoal youth centre

Lemoal Lemoal Architectes,

Elodie Dupuis,

Crosne. France,

Free Time,

Cement, Metal,

A municipal deposit in Crosne, France is converted into a centre for youth and local associations

Sheet metal, steel and brick in the Lemoal Lemoal youth centre
The municipal deposit converted into a centre for youth and local associations by Lemoal Lemoal measures only 643 square metres on two levels and consists of a steel frame covered with sheet metal, with internal partitions made of concrete blocks.
The centre for youth and local associations in Crosne, France is a former municipal deposit which has been redesigned with moderate renovations, painting its steel frame black to match the corrugated sheet metal panelling that covers its outside. The ceilings have also been painted the same colour, while the cable ducts for electrical wiring suspended from them are immaculate white, like the concrete blocks of the internal partition walls. The concrete flooring is smooth and covered with clear resin, contrasting with the air conditioning ducts, which have a brightly polished finish. The heating system employs wall-mounted convector heaters.
The wide central corridor, with sofas and board games, is a double volume sealed by a false ceiling with microperforated panels from which fluorescent light fixtures are suspended, visible and easily appreciable upon climbing the Orsogril steps of the steel staircase to the upper level, with its semi-transparent polycarbonate balustrades. The office walls are made of the same material, giving the interiors a very informal overall look. Everything about the building is extremely sober and simple, interrupted by four round windows on the long walls, the only imaginative touch in a project that might otherwise be an ordinary, anonymous renovation project. Lemoal Lemoal give the building’s main façade an iconic look with big glass entrance doors hinting at what visitors will find inside the building.

Fabrizio Orsini

Lieu: 30 rue Colbert, 91 560 Crosne France
Maîtrise d’œuvre: lemoal lemoal architectes; Loizillon Ingénierie; BET économie Delta Fluides; BET fluides, thermique.
Objet: Réhabilitation d’un hangar de stockage pour la création de la Maison des Jeunes et de la Maison des Associations
Coût / Surface 600 K € HT 643 m2
Photos Elodie Dupuis