
SpazioFMG: opening of Gli spazi del Retail contemporaneo exhibition

B+R Arquitectos, Lombardini22, Ares Arquitectos,

Mauro Consilvio,


Shopping Centers, Exhibitions,

Versitalia, Matimex, SpazioFMGperl'Architettura,

How can “non-spaces” par excellence, like modern shopping malls become places where users can have relationships and experiences? The recently opened exhibition at SpazioFMG explores this and other issues and invites us to reflect on the delicate and complex themes linked to modern retail.

SpazioFMG: opening of Gli spazi del Retail contemporaneo exhibition

The 18th October at SpazioFMGperl'Architettura saw the opening of the exhibition: Ares Arquitectos, B+R Arquitectos & Lombardini22, Gli Spazi del Retail Contemporaneo (Contemporary Retail Spaces).This is the third event dedicated to research into contemporary Mexican architecture by the Iris ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti exhibition space.

The complex and delicate themes linked to contemporary retail design were the subject of a round table that took place in the morning at the Cervantes Institute in Milan. It was an interesting comparison between the approach of the three studios involved, to allow these “non-spaces” to become “places” where, as B+R Arquitectos remarked, relationships and experiences can be created for users and the community in which they live. These are experiences that go beyond simple purchases, as Lombardini22 pointed out, and which can also include unexpected forms of use. In some cases these projects have been completed on sites where there was an irregular, unplanned development and where, as highlighted by Ares Arquitectos, a large mall becomes a means of redefining and valorising the urban environment.
The Mexican experience also shows how retail spaces are experienced as accessible, enclosed and protected spaces, where one can perform a range of activities and have new and better life experiences in safety. The morning’s themes were demonstrated in the fifteen designs displayed at SpazioFMG: large shopping centres and multifunctional buildings created in Italy, Spain and Mexico by the three studios involved, presented through photos, designs, projections and 3D models.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Ares Arquitectos, B+R Arquitectos & Lombardini22
Gli Spazi del Retail Contemporaneo in Messico, Spagna e Italia

Curators: Luca Molinari and Alessandro Benetti in partnership with Federica Rasenti. With thanks to Luisa Parisi.
Date: 18th October – 27th October 2017 -  Thursday-Friday: 4 pm-7.30 pm with a guided tour by the editorial team of floornature.com
or by appointment for groups of a minimum of 5 people. Please contact paolo@floornature.com
Location: SpazioFMGperl'Architettura, via Bergognone 27 – Milan, Italy