
Paolo Carlesso’s CM home: sustainable architecture

Paolo Carlesso,

Simone Bossi,

Sport & Wellness,

Wood, Cement,

Perhaps architecture needs time, says Paolo Carlesso, who designed and built his own house, except for the foundations and perimeter walls, using economically and ecologically sustainable materials and construction techniques.

Paolo Carlesso’s CM home: sustainable architecture

Varese, Italy. Sustainability is one of the keys to contemporary architecture. Paolo Carlesso designed his own home using exclusively economically and ecologically sustainable building techniques and materials requiring minimal effort, as he practically built the home with his own hands.

The walls of the house are made of wooden panels assembled without adhesive, with a steel frame on the inside and ventilated ecological fibre cement façades on the outside. Inside, the home is a complex series of different levels, openings and points of view in which wood plays a key role creating a welcoming atmosphere.

There are also financial reasons for the sustainable, independent choices made in the project. Carlesso drew his inspiration from hyperborean literature, in which the imperfection of matter is accepted and schedules are set aside to make way for content and nature.

Francesco Cibati

Design: Paolo Carlesso
Year: 2010
Location: Fagnano Olona, Varese, Italy
Photos: Simone Bossi
