
Meeting Architecture exhibitions and meetings at the British School at Rome


Sport & Wellness, Academy, Ville,


October 13 2014 marks the start of a programme of meetings and exhibitions entitled Meeting Architecture, organised by the British School at Rome and focusing on how architecture has influenced other disciplines and been influenced by them. It is the first exhibition to focus on the partnership between artist Richard Deacon and architect Eric Parry.

Meeting Architecture exhibitions and meetings at the British School at Rome

Meeting architecture, a series of meetings and exhibitions focusing on the dialectic between architecture and other disciplines organised by the British School at Rome, starts out this year with a conversation and exhibition entitled 3-2=1: Bridge, Bangle & Cornice focusing on artist Richard Deacon and architect Eric Parry, key figures on the London scene. The exhibition presents their partnership through its most significant and most recent products: the plan presented in the Millennium Bridge competition in 1996, the façade of the Finsbury Square building in 2001 and the St James Gateway project in Piccadilly Circus in 2013.
Meeting architecture opens at 18:00 on Monday, October 13 2014 with a conversation between Richard Deacon and Eric Parry moderated by Éric de Chassey, a French art historian and director of the French Academy in Rome at Villa Medici, followed by the exhibition opening.

Mara Corradi

Title: 3-2=1: Bridge, Bangle & Cornice
Conference date: October 13 2014
Exhibition dates: October 13 – November 4 2014, Tuesday through Saturday, 14:00–19:00
Location: The British School at Rome, Via Gramsci 71, Rome (Italy)
For more information on the Meeting Architecture programme, tel. +39 06 3264939, www.bsr.ac.uk
