
Luis Pons Design Lab 4600 North Bay Road Residence Miami

USA, Miami Beach,

Residences, Sport & Wellness,


Wood, Stone,

The natural element: water, air, light and traditional materials such as wood and stone play a key role in the home designed by Luis Pons Design Lab.

Luis Pons Design Lab  4600 North Bay Road Residence Miami

Luis Pons Design Lab’s plan for the 4600 North Bay Road Residence centres around attentive use of the traditional local materials typical of tropical Miami Beach and recovery of the relationship between indoors and outdoors.
The home has a beautiful view of the bay, and Luis Pons sees it as "a bridge between the land and the water".
The construction alternates between full and empty volumes in a homage to tropical modernism, in which the natural elements of water, air and light and the materials wood and stone play a key role.
All the traditional elements of tropical architecture are there, to protect the home from the strong sunlight: shady arcades mediating the relationship between indoors and outdoors, with design elements that combine with light, shade and nature. The structure of full and empty volumes governs the architectural and interior design project, and the architects use traditional materials such as wood and stone as well as light as a key element in the architecture.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Luis Pons Design Lab
Location: Miami Beach FL USA
Images courtesy of Luis Pons Design Lab
