
Italia per Interni - Manifesti per la Cultura dell’Abitare exhibition

Luca Molinari,


Gallery, Factories, Sport & Wellness,


Works by Dap Studio - Francesco Librizzi - Monoatelier - Simona Ottieri are featured in a new exhibition curated by Luca Molinari at Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti’s SPAZIOFMGPERL'ARCHITETTURA.

Italia per Interni - Manifesti per la Cultura dell’Abitare exhibition

SPAZIOFMGPERL'ARCHITETTURA, the gallery in Milan run by Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti, presents the exhibition “ Italia per Interni - Manifesti per la Cultura dell’Abitare ” (Italian Interiors – Manifestos of the Culture of Living), a study of the evolution of dwelling. Considering the home as a new starting point for contemporary architecture, the exhibition curated by Luca Molinari presents the experience of four Italian architectural practices in interior design.

The interior design projects presented by the four architectural practices involved, Dap Studio, Francesco Librizzi, MONOatelier and Simona Ottieri, offer a starting point and a viewpoint for wider-ranging reflection on each architect’s vision and proposals for a new way of thinking about the culture of living in Italy.
Dwelling is a constantly evolving theme in a society without clear landmarks which has to keep adapting to change.

To attend the opening on March 6 2014 you must request accreditation on the site https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-italia-per-interni-manifesti-per-la-cultura-dellabitare-10616114083?ref=ecal

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: “ Italia per Interni - Manifesti per la Cultura dell’Abitare”
curator Luca Molinari
Dates: March 7 - 28 2014 – opening March 6 at 18:30
Location: SPAZIOFMGPERL'ARCHITETTURA, Via Bergognone 27- 20144 Milan (Italy
