
Geza, Headquarters Pratic

Fernando Guerra,

Landscape, Sport & Wellness, Headquarters, Offices,

The project by architects Stefano Gri and Piero Zucchi (Geza) is the subject of a recent volume published by Silvana Editoriale expressing the thoughts of Mario Carpo with photographs by Fernando Guerra.

Geza, Headquarters Pratic
The office and industrial complex designed by GEZA, the studio founded by Stefano Gri and Piero Zucchi, includes two regular volumes (production facility and offices) linked together and twisted slightly, set in a vast open area with a number of different functions.

Respect for the environment and relationship with the surrounding context are important themes for the architects, addressed through adoption of energy-saving technologies and careful design of open spaces. The natural and built landscapes are integrated in a crescendo which begins with cultivated fields, continues through the garden and the wooden patio in a direct relationship with the workspaces and culminates in the parking lot, set slightly below street level to limit its visual impact but heralding the arrival of the urban area.

In his essay commenting on the project, Mario Carpo focuses on the image of precision and apparent simplicity resulting from the architects' choice of materials and design solutions, involving difficult decisions which, as Bruno Munari notes, had to take into account the need to “recognise the essence of things and convey their essential identity", as documented in Fernando Guerra?s photographs.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Gri and Zucchi Architetti Associati
Location: Fagagna (UD), Italy
Illustrations: Fernando Guerra | FG+SG fotografia de arquitectura
