
Foster + Partners, Luigi Einaudi campus in Turin

Foster + Partners,

Gianluca Giordano,


Sport & Wellness, Factories, University,

Foster + Partners came up with the general architectural plan for Luigi Einaudi campus in Turin.

Foster + Partners, Luigi Einaudi campus in Turin
The new Luigi Einaudi Campus in Turin, inaugurated in September 2012, includes seven buildings surrounded by greenery and arranged around a round plaza.

The seven buildings look like a single construction, the vertical development of which is halted by a white roof. The thick roof they all share becomes a unifying architectural element, an even more obvious perception at night when it is lit up and clearly visible from panoramic spots all over the city.

The overall architectural plan is by Foster + Partners, but the project involved a number of Turin studios and professionals coordinated by Tecnimont Civil Construction, including Giugiaro Architettura.
The building was designed with a great focus on the issues of environmental sustainability and energy conservation, using innovative low impact materials.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Foster and Partners
Location: Turin, Italy
Images: (c) Gianluca Giordano
