
Dries Bonamie + AnotherOffice, Hertog Jan Restaurant - Belgium


Restaurants, Sport & Wellness, Landscape,


Stone, Wood,

A 17th century hay loft in Belgium has been converted into a restaurant by Architectenbureau Dries Bonamie, with interior design by AnotherOffice.

Dries Bonamie + AnotherOffice, Hertog Jan Restaurant - Belgium

The architects of Architectenbureau Dries Bonamie and AnotherOffice have transformed the structure of a 17th century hayloft into a restaurant, part of the Hof De Pleyne complex in Zedelgem, Belgium which was recently named a national heritage site.

Hertog Jan is the name of the restaurant, awarded three Michelin stars, located in a rural area. Dries Bonamie’s architectural design preserves the site’s rural character. The extension the architects created for the restaurant is a contemporary volume with simple lines that fits harmoniously into the landscape.
The restaurant’s interior design by AnotherOffice features carefully chosen geometry and materials (natural stone, painted brick, burnished wood, steel) giving the interiors an almost metaphysical, timeless feel.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Dries Bonamie + AnotherOffice
Location: Zedelgem, Belgium

Images courtesy of CEA, ph.Cafeine and Kristof Vrancken
