
Stone-like porcelain paving tiles for outdoor use

Exterior Floor,



Now that spring is here it’s time to look for outdoor tiles to get our outdoor spaces in order.

Stone-like porcelain paving tiles for outdoor use

Laneways, garden paths, parking spaces and patios are the principal applications of these tiles in both homes and public places.
Outdoor pavements, no matter what the context, are required to offer particular qualities such as strength, durability, and protection for irrigation systems and electrical cables.
Laid on substrates of various kinds, including sand, gravel and grass, outdoor pavements are not only passageways but covers that must be easy to remove, inspect and reposition.

In the naturalistic vision of a project, no matter what it?s intended use, stone-like porcelain paving tiles by Ariostea are perfectly suited to a concept of respect for the dynamics of the landscape and low environmental impact, thanks to use of natural raw materials in their manufacture.
Capable of withstanding weather, stress and loads, porcelain outdoor paving tiles are impermeable to all liquids and drainable (to prevent water from stagnating, which would be not only damaging but ugly); they are also easy to clean and to install as they require no filler or glue.

In aesthetic terms, Ariostea?s stone-like outdoor paving tiles, in all their many sizes and vein patterns, add to the feeling of cosiness by fitting harmoniously into a variety of outdoor settings.
Green areas, no matter how small in size (micro-landscapes), are always extensions of the style of a home and therefore must harmonise with it and achieve total visual integration with their surroundings.
For these reasons the five products in Ariostea?s CM2 High-Tech Natural Stones collection (Green Quarzite, Crema Europa, Pietra di Ragusa, Pietra Piasentina, Basalto Grigio) cover the full range of natural colours, offering an opportunity to harmonise the outdoor area with all tiled areas.