
High-tech ceramic slabs: the present and future of contemporary surfaces

Interior Floor, contemporary, Design,

Marble, Stone, Porcelain Tile,

tabletop, top bathroom, FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti, Grandi formati,

Resistant, unalterable, easy to clean: ceramic slabs represent the present and future of surfaces for everyday living. FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti offers a vast selection of different ceramic surfaces which all share the same aesthetic value, inspired by rare and precious natural stones, as demonstrated by the fascinating Amazonite and MoonStone surfaces

High-tech ceramic slabs: the present and future of contemporary surfaces
Architectural practices both large and small are asking themselves what the future of everyday living will be like, trying to foresee the new needs and demands after the pandemic is over.
At the moment it’s not easy to guess what kind of scenario we will be facing: whether we will be able to start again right where we left off, or whether we will need to reconsider many of our priorities for building.
Convivial places, community facilities and public spaces will be the first to require clear indications permitting maximum functionality while guaranteeing safety for ourselves and others.
But we all agree on one thing: the long time spent in our homes has revealed numerous problems, needs and limitations of the indoor and outdoor spaces in the home.
These aspects can, however, represent an opportunity to improve our use of these spaces, combining technical performance with pleasing appearance, in a timeless combination guaranteeing the utmost comfort and serenity for body and spirit alike.
One important emotion we have all experienced during the lockdown is missing the pleasures of sensory experiences in the various places we normally frequent in our daily lives, which cannot be adequately compensated by virtual museum tours or concerts broadcast live.
This is why living in a home we have created for ourselves on the basis of our own tastes and needs is always a regenerating, satisfying sensation. A home furnished to measure, in harmony with the colours, shapes and objects we love and surround ourselves with is an extension of ourselves, and a place where we set aside all the stress and anxiety of daily living.
Improving the home interior is therefore a priority leading to an undeniable improvement in quality of life and psycho-physical well-being for ourselves and our families.
Surfaces are an essential tactile and visual element of the home, a key factor determining the look of spaces. In recent years high-tech ceramics have produced outstanding technical and aesthetic results, as revealed by FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti’s vast catalogue (link).
Inspired by the motto of "Building according to Nature", FMG has been producing factory-made natural stone for more than twenty years, drawing on the expertise of the Iris Ceramica Group (link), a world leader in the production of ceramics.
Using natural elements in industrial processes reproducing the formation of rock and stone, FMG produces the rarest, most precious and beautiful varieties of marble, granite and stone, standing out for their top performance in terms of resistance, durability and hygiene.
Our gallery presents some of the most recent and highly sophisticated ceramic surfaces from FMG, the end point of a long process of research into design balancing key design trends with the needs of contemporary architecture.
Amazonite (link) is a surface inspired by the precious stone of the same name, with its fascinating, mysterious turquoise-green colour adding to the vast Marmi Maxfine range (link).
Considered the “stone of hope” in antiquity, amazonite is a rare mineral which FMG reproduces with the addition of "crystalline veins creating a mottled pattern varying in hue from brown to peach, with incursions of white and grey".
The pattern is particularly rich and penetrating, capable of infusing a sense of serenity and satisfaction in a plurality of spaces, not only in the home but in convivial places for dining and retail.
The large slabs in the collection may be used in the contract industry and in residential constructions, and as it is only 6 mm thick, it is perfect for highly creative surface coverings of innate expressive wealth.
Moonstone (link) is a collection inspired by the surface of the moon, a textured surface with a subtle micro-structure.
Moonstone strikes us right away as a concrete, resistant, elegant surface with its neutral background hues.
The five colours in the collection (White, Beige, Grey, Brown, and Black) are perfect for simple spaces and atmospheres in a timeless refined style that goes with practically everything.
Perfect as a floor and wall covering in the home and in high-traffic commercial spaces, Moonstone is a versatile solution covering spaces with an "industrial look with a contemporary soul".
Amazonite and Moonstone are two different solutions sharing the same intention of creating customised spaces in rooms abounding in expressiveness, reflecting the feelings and desires we seek in our daily lives.

Marco Privato