
Carlo Ratti renovates the Agnelli Foundation headquarters, Turin

Carlo Ratti,

Beppe Giardino, Andrea Guermani,




The 15th June saw the opening of the renovated headquarters of the Agnelli Foundation, a 20th Century building transformed by Carlo Ratti architects’ studio in an advanced Office 3.0 controlled by Apps, like the offices of the future.

Carlo Ratti renovates the Agnelli Foundation headquarters, Turin

The battle over the radiators is finished! This is the tongue-in-cheek summary of the advanced system that controls the new offices of the Agnelli Foundation. As part of its 50th anniversary celebration, on the 15th June 2017, the Agnelli foundation presented its plans for the future of the renovated headquarters in Turin. The project involved various partners. First and foremost Carlo Ratti Associati, which was responsible for the renovation and, amongst others, the landscape architecture studio of Louis Benech and artist Olafur Eliasson.

Declared a building of cultural interest by the Department of Fine Arts and originally the home of Giovanni Agnelli founder of FIAT, the headquarters of the Agnelli foundation has been transformed by Carlo Ratti Associati into a technologically advanced architecture based on the Internet of Things (IoT), controlled through Apps.
The updating of the systems was accompanied by a project to renew and enlarge the spaces by Carlo Ratti Associati, to make the Foundation headquarters open to the city, with co-working spaces. The extension is a new protruding glass block that houses a café open to the public, while new spatial connections have been made in the historic villa, like the staircase where the skylight is decorated with "La congiuntura del tempo" (Tempo Junction), a work by artist Olafur Eliasson. The advanced system created by Carlo Ratti Associati with Siemens Italy shows how the Internet of Things can be applied to existing architectural heritage and not only to new buildings. Through an App, users of the building can set their preferences for temperature and lighting and, thanks to hundreds of digital sensors distributed around the building, the system will follow them, creating an individual thermal bubble and adapting the temperature in different spaces.

(Agnese Bifulco)

The Agnelli Foundation - www.fga.it
Architects: Carlo Ratti Associati for The Agnelli Foundation - www.carloratti.com
Team: Carlo Ratti, Saverio Panata, Antonio Atripaldi, Francesco Strocchio, Andrea Cassi, Valentina Grasso, Mariachiara Mondini, Andrea Riva and Nicola Scaramuzza
Technical development: Siemens Italia –divisione Building Technologies
Garden Design: Louis Benech
Café design: Simmetrico
Interior design of the Agnelli Foundation offices: Natalia Bianchi Studio
Structure and project execution: Studio Ferraresi
Mechanical, microclimatic and BEMS design: Paolo Lazzerini (Studio Lazzerini)
Lighting: Roberto Pomè
Historical consultant: Michele Bonino
Co-working space managed by Talent Garden

Photos: Andrea Guermani, Beppe Giardino