
Towodesign for sweet interior design in Shanghai





Interior Design,

The Chinese creative studio Towodesign designed the interior of a drink and dessert shop based on the concept of research and development for health.

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Towodesign for sweet interior design in Shanghai The Chinese creative studio Towodesign designed the interior of a drink and dessert shop based on the concept of research and development for health. Dr. Bravura’s Bird’s Nest Drink and Dessert store combines the traditional ingredients of Chinese food with the latest trends in international interior design.

You know when you satisfy your craving for something sweet with a yummy, new dessert, then go on a guilt trip because you’ve broken one of your golden dietary rules? We’ve all been there.
So what can we do to solve this dilemma? The designers from Chinese creative studio Towodesign show us how with their project for Dr. Bravura’s Bird’s Nest Drink and Dessert shop in Shanghai. They based their design on formal research and have used hexagons and curves to subtly reference the natural elements like bird’s nests as a call to nature. They are also reminiscent of the molecules that compose the food and drinks on sale here. 
Towodesign used regular hexagons for the storefront logo, floor, walls and display stands. These hexagons are combined with elements derived from the measuring vessels used in laboratories, and together they create a unique space that brings together function and aesthetics.
Visitors to the Dr. Bavura shop are greeted by the brand’s trademark colour palette, dominated by white that sets the overall tone, with gold contouring to add value and pops of pale grey and pink: a clear reference to the products on display. The golden edges highlight the storefront, frame the geometric display stands and blend in with the chairs and decorative detailing of the premises.
The products and services provided by the 119-square-metre shop are its heart and soul. The edible products (actual bird’s nests, by the way) are displayed on open shelving like works of art, so customers can understand more about this delicacy and the details of the natural ingredients, all in keeping with the brand’s mission to share as much information about what they are about to eat as possible.
In the dining area, the seats are arranged to set up a lively spatial rhythm, contrasting with the sales are that features a sense of scientific precision.
Dr. Bravura’s Bird’s Nest Drink and Dessert by Towodesign is, therefore, a perfect place if you want to combine the enjoyment of a great dessert based on traditional Chinese ingredients with an immersive experience in an environment with such an esoteric design that it feels like you’ve stepped into a 1950s science-fiction film. So taking photos - of the dessert and of the space - is a must. By skilfully pulling together interior design and visual identity, the design team has turned the shop into an excellent vehicle for communicating the brand.

Christiane Bürklein

Progetto: Towodesign - http://www.towodesign.com
Luogo: Shanghai, Cina
Anno: 2019
Immagini: Towodesign