
Temporary garden and tribute to the past.


Biennale di Venezia,

Venice Biennale,


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  3. Temporary garden and tribute to the past.

Temporary garden and tribute to the past.
The landscape design for the temporary garden in the Parco della Musica auditorium in Rome, created by Italian design firm OSA, is a tribute to 18th century Rome, all playing around the blue colour of the Lobelia.

OSA architettura e paesaggio is a young Italian architecture and design firm working across the areas of landscape design, architecture and urban planning.

They were acknowledged for their project “Bosco Italia” in the Italian Pavilion at the most recent Venice Biennale, but they had already made a name for themselves in 2011 with “Lobelia Color dell'Aere”.

This temporary garden was created as part of the “Giardininterrazza” event on the rooftop terraces of Rome’s Parco della Musica auditorium; the result is a tribute to the early 18th century Rome, when the facades of buildings were painted a pale blue – the colour off the sky – and the idea was based on a 1756 painting.

The team used lobelia flowers to paint a sky blue room, where this plant’s shade of blue brings together the sky and walls, mirrored and expanded in the floor of this small garden area .

The landscape architects prove that you don’t always need major resources to make a strong statement; all you have to do is exploit simple, everyday materials strong> – fruit crates to form walls where common flowers are planted – to create a location whose impact derives simply from the poetry and figurative reference to late Baroque Rome.

The great strength of this ephemeral installation is the fact that it brings out the creative potential hidden in the most unexpected place. You just need to change your viewpoint and the sky opens onto a rarefied room.

Project: OSA architettura e paesaggio, http://www.osaweb.it
Location: Rome, Italy
Year: 2011
Link: Biennale, Bosco Italia http://www.floornature.com/blog/13th-architecture-biennale-venice-andndash-live-and-green-bosco-italia-8195/