
Mystery Things Museum arrives at Matera Design Weekend



This weekend - from 9 to 11 December 2016 - Matera will be hosting Matera Design Weekend.

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  3. Mystery Things Museum arrives at Matera Design Weekend

Mystery Things Museum arrives at Matera Design Weekend This weekend - from 9 to 11 December 2016 - Matera will be hosting Matera Design Weekend. The theme is Immaterial Design, in response to our world 2.0 dominated by Social Media. The perfect backdrop for the third edition of Mystery Things Museum opening in a deconsecrated church in the city of the Sassi.

Matera, the City of the Sassi, is one of the oldest towns in the world, and an extraordinary example of how man has used design to adapt perfectly to the natural environment. This unique city - suspended between past and future - will be the European Capital of Culture for 2019.
Lots of initiatives are being organised in the run-up to this great, one-year long event, including the Matera Design Weekend: a round table on the future of design with the Web 2.0, open source, video games and social networks. New frontiers of Immaterial Design - workshops, conferences and collateral events - will inundate the Matera territory with innovation, to generate new ideas in places far from the recognised centres of design, giving a new take on traditions that once seemed to be set in stone.
In the words of John Thackara, guest of honour at this year's Matera Design Weekend, the future is there to design, and this is both a great challenge and an opportunity for whoever is involved in design.
Stefano Mirti, designer, founder & partner of IdLab, scientific director of Relational Design, and one of the initiators of Mystery Things Museum, that after showcasing in two locations in Milan - the TIM Space (link) and Casa Base - has now arrived in Matera, describes Immaterial Design quoting The Little Prince: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
Something that applies to anything and everything, and so it is also just right for the world of design. What better place than Matera - European Capital of Culture for 2019 - with its thousand-year-old charm, to discuss these issues that are changing both the physical world around us and the way we perceive it?

Christiane Bürklein

Matera Design Weekend
from 9 October to 11 December 2016 
Matera, Italy
Find out more: http://www.materadesign.com/