
Art Changes Everything, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

Frank Gehry,

Guggenheim di Bilbao, Museums,

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao by Frank Gehry will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in October 2017.

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Art Changes Everything, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao by Frank Gehry will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in October 2017. A great opportunity to spotlight both one of Europe's most iconic buildings, creator of the “Guggenheim” effect, and the museum's contents and initiatives.

As we have already done in the past for the major exhibition on Basquiat at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (link) we're back to cover one of Europe's most photographed and landmark buildings, this time in honour of its 20th anniversary.
In the run-up to its anniversary in October 2017, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao has presented the preliminary programme of special activities for the next twelve months, focusing on both the local community and visitors.

The purpose is on the one hand to consolidate the museum on the international art scene, and on the other to engage more strongly with the territory, underscoring the museum's role as an economic, social and cultural driver in Bilbao and in the Basque countries.

“Art Changes Everything” is the slogan that will guide the commemoration of the museum's opening. A leitmotif that embraces the power of art - and of architecture, we might add - as a driver of change that goes way beyond just the architectural or artistic project, whatever it may be. Not coincidentally, the term “Guggenheim effect” has been coined to describe it as a promotor of renewal and revival of the city of Bilbao.

The museum has designed a special logo for the event and is building a dedicated website. And the initiatives don't just stop at the many exhibitions, such as “Abstract Expression” from March to September 2017, Pierre Huyghes with The Mask or even the Fin de Siècle French painters: the tax office of Bizkaia is offering tax incentives to companies and entities spending or investing in the event and its promotion. “Art Changes Everything” indeed!

Christiane Bürklein

“Art Changes Everything”
October 2016 – October 2017
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Find out more: https://www.guggenheim-bilbao.es/
Images: Courtesy of Guggenheim Museum Bilbao