
2015 Sydney Architecture Festival: shared architecture

Sydney, Australia,

Design, contemporary,

Retraining, Award,

In early October, #sydarchfest, the Sydney Architecture Festival celebrated the many forms of architecture, placing lots of emphasis on getting the general population involved in current debate.

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2015 Sydney Architecture Festival: shared architecture In early October, #sydarchfest, the Sydney Architecture Festival celebrated the many forms of architecture, placing lots of emphasis on getting the general population involved in current debate. The event is promoted by the Australian Institute of Architects (NSW Chapter) and the New South Wales Architects Registration Board.

If you look around, you'll see lots of events all over the globe dedicated to our great passion - architecture and all its manifestations. Most of these events have been organised for a broad public, not just restricting them to the narrow circle of professionals and experts but opening up to anyone and everyone.

From Novara with novararchitettura to Sydney with the #sydarchfestthat ended a few days ago, the common denominator is not just sharing architecture with the community, it's actually getting people actively involved, heading towards participated architecture as the basis for increased dissemination and expansion of concepts like sustainability and regeneration.

Each of the four days of the Sydney Architecture Festival focused on a different theme: Design Secrets, The Goods, New City, Go Global.

One of the most tangible and useable examples for the local community is the urban renewal project called Goods Line, winner of the Australian Award for Urban Design 2014, which opened during the Sydney Architecture Festival. This is a kind of Australian “High Line”, in other words the recovery of a disused railway line now repurposed as a pedestrian and bike track running from Railway Square and Ultimo to Darling Harbour, one of Sydney's favourite go-to leisure spots. The Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority commissioned the project  from ASPECT Studios and CHOFRI , a great new artery on a human scale, and is the first stage of a larger redevelopment project for the line.  

Christiane Bürklein

Sydney Architecture Festival
from 2 to 5 October 2015
Images courtesy of Sydney Architecture Festival - Foto 2 e 3 Brett Boardman