
Baukulturpreis 2016 awarded to Gmp

gmp von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects,

Marcus Bredt, Heiner Leiska, Hans Georg Esch,

Amburgo, Germania,


The year definitely closed on a positive note for architects Meinhard von Gerkan and Volkwin Marg, founders of gmp (von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects), for they were awarded the BDA or German Architects’ Association’s Baukulturpreis 2016 in Hamburg.

Baukulturpreis 2016 awarded to Gmp

2016 ended in the best possible way for architects Meinhard von Gerkan e Volkwin Marg. The founders of gmp (von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects) were awarded the Baukulturpreis 2016 by the BDA, the German Architects’ Association, in Hamburg.

A well-deserved reward for their significant contribution to the city’s identity, for gmp designed a lot of public and private buildings in the German city. The award, established in 1994, is presented every three years; this was the first time it has ever been awarded to two people at the same time.
Architecture critic Jürgen Tietz praised “the studio’s truly unique architecture” and emphasised not only how the city has been moulded by gmp’s architectural projects, but how the architects have made an important contribution to the city’s cultural and social life. The two professionals’ teaching careers and contributions to publications were also acknowledged. A number of the studio’s principal projects in Hamburg were mentioned at the awards ceremony, including Helmut Schmidt Airport, the Elbkaihaus, Hamburg Technical University, the Museum of History and Viertel shopping centre.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of gmp, photo by Marcus Bredt, Hans Georg Esch, Heiner Leiska