
Architectures pour l’avenir exhibition


Luc Boegly,

Sport & Wellness, School, Ville,


Educational buildings play an important role in the formation of the men and women of the future. This exhibition presents the work of 4 architectural studios from different parts of the world.

Architectures pour l’avenir exhibition

The exhibition which opened recently in Villa Noailles in Hyeres presents projects built in France, Japan, Nigeria and Afghanistan by four teams of architects.
The featured buildings were chosen as emblematic cases representing the four main themes of the projects in the exhibition.
The curators say that "architecture is never neutral and plays an important role in determining the future".

The themes identified and the architects representing them are:
Schools of desire(relier) Tezuka Architects (Japan), buildings that encourage children to discover the world around them and connect with it through their senses.
Schools of enchantment (ré enchanter) Vincent Parreira – AA VP Architecture (France), buildings that call up emotions capable of inspiring hope and promise for the future.
Schools of openness(ouvrir) Kunlé Adeyemi - Nlé Architects (Nigeria), buildings offering opportunities in places where children cannot always go to school.
Schools of the possible (reconstruire) 2A+P/A, IaN+, ma0/emmeazero, Mario Cutuli (Afghanistan) buildings for rebuilding identity and cultural reality.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Architectures pour l’avenir
Dates: February 16 – March 23 2014
Location: Hyères, France
Images courtesy of Villa Noailles and architects,
Tezuka Architects © Katsuhisa Kida/FOTOTECA
Vincent Parreira, AAVP Architecture - TINO. © Luc Boegly
Kunlé Adeyemi, Nlé Architects - Makoko. © Nlé Architects
2A+P/A, IaN+, ma0/emmeazero, Mario Cutuli - Ecole Maria Grazia Cutuli. © LR
