
Adalberto Libera exhibition


Ville, Museums, School, Sport & Wellness,


50 years after the death of architect Adalberto Libera, Mart remembers him with an exhibition celebrating his architectural projects.

Adalberto Libera exhibition
Fifty years after his death, Mart celebrates the work of Adalberto Libera with two events. Models of some of his best-known architectural projects, such as Villa Malaparte in Capri, Scuole Sanzio in Trento, Palazzo delle Poste and Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome appear in the "Architecture" section of the exhibition underway at the museum, "La Magnifica Ossessione", and, starting on June 22, the monographic exhibition "Adalberto Libera" curated by Nicola Di Battista.

The product of collaboration with numerous institutions and academics, the “Adalberto Libera” exhibition offers an opportunity to reconsider the spiritual heritage of this important master of Italian rationalist architecture in the light of his most important and significant projects, and also through his “pioneering” cultural work with Gruppo 7 and Mario De Renzi in the thirties: a career that made Adalberto Libera?s contribution essential for the promotion of Italian architecture the world over.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Adalberto Libera
curated by Nicola Di Battista
Dates: June 22 ? September 8 2013
Location: Mart, Rovereto (TN) – Italy
Images: courtesy of MART