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Fügenschuh: New school in Rattenberg


Fügenschuh: New school in Rattenberg

Architect Daniel Fügenschuh won the competition for an expansion for a secondary school in the old town centre of Rattennberg, Austria, building a new wing which is connected to and continuous with the old building but stands out from it in terms of the architectural vocabulary used.

ACTIVE coverings for the “caterpillar” in Bazzano


ACTIVE coverings for the “caterpillar” in Bazzano

The first school year is drawing to a close at the new elementary school and nursery school in Bazzano, a village just outside L’Aquila. The facility donated by the FIAT Group and designed by A.S. Architetti Associati was built using energy-saving and eco-sustainable technologies, including Wave Extreme tiles by GranitiFiandre, manufactured using the Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic production method.




An international panel of judges selected 36 works of architecture from among 280 candidates for the exhibition held by Merano Arte, curated by Flavio Albanese.

McBride Charles Ryan, Penleigh and Essendon grammar school


McBride Charles Ryan, Penleigh and Essendon grammar school

The dark silhouette recalling a traditional Australian home is the first thing that strikes us about the school building constructed by McBride Charles Ryan architectural studios.

TAO: new elementary school in Xiaoquan


TAO: new elementary school in Xiaoquan

Nine hundred children can attend the new elementary school in Xiaoquan, completed to plans by architect Hua Li thanks to private financial contributions for rebuilding the school after the 2008 earthquake. Local materials and building techniques are used in a work that fits into its surroundings, avoiding the international “post-seismic” style in favour of a form of architecture demonstrating respect for local history.

Maria Auxiliadora School: a sustainable reconstruction project for a better future


Maria Auxiliadora School: a sustainable reconstruction project for a better future

Architecture for Humanity supported the plan for this school as part of the “Happy Hearts Fund – Ing school reconstruction” project for providing a safe, sustainable school for kids in Los Calderones, Peru Following a major earthquake in 2007 (7.

Mario Cucinella, School Project in Palestine


Mario Cucinella, School Project in Palestine

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon viewed Mario Cucinella’s "Green Schools" project on a recent visit to the occupied territories.

St Luke's elementary school by Architype is the first BREEAM Excellent Primary School in Britain


St Luke's elementary school by Architype is the first BREEAM Excellent Primary School in Britain

The importance of introducing the younger generations to a more sustainable way of living with a lower environmental impact is underlined by the growing number of “green” schools.

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