Tag Refurbishment

Ignazio Gardella, rationalist gems in Alessandria


Ignazio Gardella, rationalist gems in Alessandria

During one of the open days organised by FAI – the National Trust for Italy – when the general public can visit architectural monuments that are normally off-limits, the church of the former tuberculosis sanatorium in Alessandria very first building designed by Ignazio Gardella, one of Italy's great 20th century architects Ignazio Gardella was one of Italy's most important and influential architects and designers in the 1900s but very few people are familiar with his first work - the church of the “Sanatorio Antitubercolare Vittorio Emanuele III”, the old tuberculosis sanatorium, now the “Centro Riabilitativo Polifunzionale Teresio Borsalino”, a multipurpose rehabilitation centre in the city of Alessandria, Piedmont.

Renovation of a ward in Bufalini Hospital, Cesena


Renovation of a ward in Bufalini Hospital, Cesena

Iris Ceramica supplied materials to the company that installed the flooring and wall coverings in the renovation of a number of wards at Maurizio Bufalini Hospital in Cesena. The project was performed by the building design and development office of the Romagna public health unit. Iris Ceramica “Active” surfaces activated with titanium dioxide improve air quality in the hospital.

STEPS, dance academy in Panama City


STEPS, dance academy in Panama City

The Panama-based architecture firm SKETCH, founded by Johann Wolfschoon has turned the top floor of an industrial shed in Panama City into a dance academy with studio rooms for dance and other dance-related disciplines as well as changing rooms.

A veterinary clinic in Montreal by TBA/Thomas Balaban Architecte


A veterinary clinic in Montreal by TBA/Thomas Balaban Architecte

Canadian firm TBA/Thomas Balaban Architecte is behind the renovation and extension of a two-storey structure in Montreal, turning an abandoned photo studio into a mixed-use property comprising a veterinarian hospital and emergency clinic, and four residential units.

WY-TO completes Hide and Seek, a child-friendly home


WY-TO completes Hide and Seek, a child-friendly home

Hide and Seek is the name of the project for a family with two children in Singapore, completed by architecture firm WY-TO.

The winners of the 2018 World Habitat Awards


The winners of the 2018 World Habitat Awards

Two projects have won the 2018 World Habitat Awards for sustainable architecture for low-income earners.

A landmark gateway for a renovation in Parma


A landmark gateway for a renovation in Parma

The architecture firm, Marcello Carzedda is behind the refurbishment of the locker rooms for a sports club in the city of Parma.

Alternate Scenario 01, a small but possible house by Taller General


Alternate Scenario 01, a small but possible house by Taller General

Taller General architectural firm in Quito, Ecuador, has designed a small but versatile apartment for two students.

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