Tag Landscape


"Soliloqui Mantova negli scatti di Gianluca Vassallo" exhibition

On 12 June, the exhibition entitled "Soliloqui - Mantova negli scatti di Gianluca Vassallo " was inaugurated at Palazzo Te, a photographic project dedicated to the city, promoted by the Festivaletteratura literary festival and the Palazzo Te Foundation. The exhibition offers an artistic view of the city of Mantua through Gianluca Vassallo’s lens and will be open to the public until September 12 of this year, anticipating and then accompanying the 25th edition of Festivaletteratura, set to take place in the Lombard city from September 8 to 12.

Forest Tower by Studio EFFEKT: a way to reconnect with nature


Forest Tower by Studio EFFEKT: a way to reconnect with nature

Danish firm EFFEKT are the architects behind the Forest Tower for the Camp Adventure Park in southern Denmark, which offers a wide range of activities based on interacting with nature, such as tree climbing and aerial ziplining. But its iconic tower is the true landmark that brings visitors back into contact with nature.

The winners of the 2020 Young Talent Architecture Award


The winners of the 2020 Young Talent Architecture Award

Regeneration and renaturalisation, redrawing the landscape with a focus on local communities and water management are the themes emerging in the projects that have won the 2020 Young Talent Architecture Award and its Asian edition, announced on October 5. The prizes for the architects of the future are an integral part of the Mies van der Rohe Award, the European Union award for contemporary architecture.

KilometroVerdeParma, reforesting together along the motorway


KilometroVerdeParma, reforesting together along the motorway

The KilometroVerdeParma project was launched in 2015 by a group of people and based on an idea: to create a tree-lined corridor along the 11 kilometres of the A1 motorway that crosses Parma to redevelop the environment of one of the busiest stretches of motorway in Europe.

Rotterdam by bike, from countryside to canals


Rotterdam by bike, from countryside to canals

The city of Rotterdam is known for its harbour and its architecture, especially from the post-war period and today’s famous icons, from the Erasmus Bridge to the station and the Markthal, to name but a few. But in no time at all, you can ride your bike out of the city, through the green countryside with its picturesque canals and farms.

atelierpng redevelops Fort L'Écluse in Léaz


atelierpng redevelops Fort L'Écluse in Léaz

Fort L'Écluse in Léaz has been renovated to plans by atelierpng in a project developed in perfect harmony with the historic memory of this military structure and the landscape around it. The fort has been transformed repeatedly over the years, destroyed, rebuilt, amplified and adapted for different uses; today, the redeveloped fort becomes a major tourist attraction in a splendid natural setting.

Exhibition at Aedes Architecture Forum: Arctic Nordic Alpine – In Dialogue With Landscape. Snøhetta


Exhibition at Aedes Architecture Forum: Arctic Nordic Alpine – In Dialogue With Landscape. Snøhetta

July 4 through August 20 Berlin’s Aedes Architecture Forum hosts the exhibition Arctic Nordic Alpine, focusing on architecture in vulnerable landscapes. A number of pioneering projects by Snøhetta, such as the Hotel Svart at the foot of the Svartisen glacier, the Arctic World Archive Visitor Centre on Svalbard Island, Under restaurant in Lindesnes and the recent Tungestølen shelter in Luster, offer examples of how architecture can make an active contribution to mitigation of the effects of climate change and promote more sustainable ways of using nature by implementing solutions in dialogue with landscape.

Labirinto della Masone, conversations on green spaces, landscape... and architecture


Labirinto della Masone, conversations on green spaces, landscape... and architecture

Events and meetings dedicated to green spaces, gardens and landscape are set to restart at Labirinto della Masone in Fontanellato (Parma). The programme is not the original one: new meetings have been added, in which architecture also plays a leading role. The topics addressed offer new food for thought to stress the importance of green spaces, both in cities and in workplaces.

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