Tag Germany

Fire station in Wemb by Tchoban Voss Architekten


Fire station in Wemb by Tchoban Voss Architekten

A new fire station, designed by the architecture firm Tchoban Voss Architekten, was recently built in Weeze in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. This project was commissioned after the firm won the related architectural design competition.

Steel and PTFE hyperbolic paraboloid for the Volkswagen mini-circuit


Steel and PTFE hyperbolic paraboloid for the Volkswagen mini-circuit

Graft Architekten make a steel and PTFE roof for a small road circuit at the Volkswagen plants with what has always been a structural classic, a hyperbolic paraboloid design

Wolke10 childcare centre in Nuremberg by querwärts


Wolke10 childcare centre in Nuremberg by querwärts

In Nuremberg, the architects from querwärts have designed the highest-altitude, full-time childcare centre in Germany, “Wolke 10” (cloud 10), built on the unused rooftop of a multilevel car park in one of the city's most heavily populated areas.

Daniel Libeskind’s Kö-Bogen office complex in Düsseldorf


Daniel Libeskind’s Kö-Bogen office complex in Düsseldorf

Daniel Libeskind’s architectural studio designed Kö-Bogen office and retail complex in Düsseldorf. The architectural project establishes an urban link between the Hofgarten, Düsseldorf’s central park, and the Königsallee, creating a large pedestrian-friendly area. Daniel Libeskind’s Kö-Bogen takes the form of 2 buildings with 6 floors and inner courtyards, linked by a raised walkway and containing offices and shops.

Bolles + Wilson: transformation of a church in Münster into a kindergarten


Bolles + Wilson: transformation of a church in Münster into a kindergarten

Bolles+Wilson converted the deconsecrated church of San Sebastiano in Münster into a kindergarten. The elliptical shape of the church’s floor plan turned out to be ideal for creating a large play area, and the children attending the new institution will assimilate the value of protecting a space and remembering its identity from a tender age.

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