Tag Alvaro Siza

Alvaro Siza exhibitions and the 150th anniversary of Politecnico di Milano


Alvaro Siza exhibitions and the 150th anniversary of Politecnico di Milano

The initiatives organised to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of Politecnico di Milano include three exhibitions focusing on the work of architect Alvarso Siza, marking the awarding of an honorary degree to the Portuguese architect.

Siza e Kuma al 150esimo del Politecnico di Milano


Siza e Kuma al 150esimo del Politecnico di Milano

Nell'anniversario dei 150 anni del Politecnico di Milano, la prestigiosa università italiana ha deciso di conferire lauree ad honorem agli architetti di fama internazionale Álvaro Siza Vieira e Kengo Kuma.

Chipperfield wins the Praemium Imperiale


Chipperfield wins the Praemium Imperiale

Architect David Chipperfield has been awarded the Japan Art Association’s Praemium Imperiale for Architecture: the most important international award, considered a sort of Nobel Prize for the arts.

Wolf Prize Eduardo Souto de Moura


Wolf Prize Eduardo Souto de Moura

Eduardo Souto de Moura is to receive the Wolf Prize, the annual award presented by the Wolf Foundation.

Leone d'oro ad Alvaro Siza


Leone d'oro ad Alvaro Siza

Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza Vieira will be awarded a Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 13th Architecture Biennale in Venice.

MACHU PICCHU – exhibition of sketches by Alvaro Siza


MACHU PICCHU – exhibition of sketches by Alvaro Siza

The exhibition includes 35 sketches by Alvaro Siza and an original notebook with 399 records of his travels to Machu Picchu and historic photographs taken between 1927 and 1950 by Martin Chambi.

Francisco Mangado Architect Exhibition


Francisco Mangado Architect Exhibition

A travelling exhibition of the works of Spanish architect Francisco Mangado is now at the Aedes am Pfefferberg in Berlin.

Alvaro Siza, works and projects on exhibit


Alvaro Siza, works and projects on exhibit

Alvaro Siza attracted a large audience to a lectio magistralis held in Enna on July 15 presenting his new plan for the entrance to the Alhambra.

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