
SCALIURBANI - Green Edition Digital Week

Andrea Maffei Architects, Alessandro Melis, Fernanda Marques Arquitetos Associados, MVRDV, Alfonso Femia,

Livorno, Italy,


From September 22 to October 8, the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators of the Province of Livorno will be promoting the festival titled SCALIURBANI. The event, featuring over one hundred prestigious guests, including architects and designers such as MVRDV, Fernanda Marques, Andrea Maffei and Alfonso Femia, will focus on issues relating to eco-responsibility and sustainable development for architecture, city, territory and landscape projects to be completed in the foreseeable future. The fully digital version is part of the circuit of events promoted by the European Union with a focus on Sustainable Development.

SCALIURBANI - Green Edition Digital Week

SCALIURBANI, the event promoted by the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators of the Province of Livorno will get underway from September 22 to October 8, for an unusual digital edition designed to meet current needs, identified by the fitting caption "Green Edition – Digital Week". In its new virtual space, offered by the GoToWebinar platform, the Livorno-based event has grown significantly since its first 3-day edition in 2019, to 17 days divided into lectures, live talks, seminars and round tables. During the numerous appointments, over one hundred prestigious architects and designers – global experts in their respective fields – will alternate and discuss issues in a transversal manner. Among them we find MVRDV, Fernanda Marques, Andrea Maffei, Alfonso Femia, as well as many academics, entrepreneurs and politicians. Today, the pandemic emergency brought to the attention of everyone and not just of experts, issues related to the quality and sustainability of cities and territories in a global vision. The festival stresses the need for a new integrated approach able to get every individual involved and to which everyone can contribute by formulating solutions and ideas for the recovery of the planet. Visions that also give rise to the need to rediscover the cultural role of the architect and to change the approach to landscape and environmental protection projects, because as underlined by architect Daniele Menichini, the head of the Livorno’s Order of Architects and creator of the festival: “We have to experiment something different without thinking that sustainability is a sign of lower quality and aesthetics for the development of our country. We must trigger a cultural, social and economic revolution based on the principles of a new Green Deal”.

The caption “Green Edition – Digital Week" does not only indicates the digital format of the festival, but also the themes that will be addressed in this new edition of SCALIURBANI: “eco-responsibility and sustainable development for architecture, city, territory and landscape projects to be completed in the foreseeable future”. The event, in its digital version, aims to provide sustainable proposals to protect the environment and to regenerate urban spaces and territories, despite their complex diversity. This is precisely why it is included in the circuit of events that the European Union dedicated to Sustainable Development, such as the Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) and the Sustainable Development Festival promoted by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (AsviS).
The 4th issue of the LARGO DUOMO magazine, the house organ of the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators of the Province of Livorno directed by architect Luca Barontini, is dedicated to the festival’s topics, as well as to the research of an “eco-centric model for urban spaces and for the territory and to contents focusing on an eco-responsible approach able to reverse processes and aiming, with coherent and integrated interventions, to safeguard the landscape, city and territory and to support social inclusion”. For the occasion, the magazine will be made available in a digital format and then distributed as an ebook, in line with this year's digital look adopted the whole festival. The new issue, focusing on “Resilient Communities” has a special editor-in-chief, architect Alessandro Melis, who tackled such issues in his role as curator of the Italian Pavilion at the next Venice Architecture Biennale, whose projects for the festival place the emphasis precisely on the theme of “Resilient Communities”.

(Agnese Bifulco)

SCALIURBANI: https://www.gotostage.com/channel/scaliurbani
Date: September 22 – October 8, 2020
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM CEST
Facebook: @scaliurbani
Instagram: Scaliurbani