
SapienStone Truck at Espacio Cocina-Sici 2017 in Valencia

Valencia, Spain, Madrid,


Porcelain Tile,


Innovation on the road! The SapienStone Truck was inaugurated on February 13 at the SapienStone plant in Castellarano and then set off for Valencia to attend Espacio Cocina-Sici 2017, an important kitchen show held to coincide with Cevisama and Promat. Stay connected #aroundthetop

SapienStone Truck at Espacio Cocina-Sici 2017 in Valencia

On February 13 the SapienStone plant in Castellarano inaugurated a truly unique vehicle: the SapienStone Truck, which began its tour of Europe; follow it around the continent with the hashtag #aroundthetop.
SapienStone is a porcelain designed specifically for kitchen countertops drawing on the Iris Ceramica Group’s fifty years of experience in the sector.
A solid material of reduced thickness to provide all strength and resistance to constant stress required of a kitchen countertop subject to intensive everyday use. A wide range of versatile porcelain materials permitting creation of all kinds of surfaces for the kitchen, from countertops to tables, and in the bathroom, with advanced technical performance permitting application to both walls and floors for total look interior design.

SapienStone is made using ceramic clays and mineral colours which will not alter with time or due to the effects of heat, light or chemical cleaning and disinfecting products. Technical properties which make them easy and practical to use, suitable for use indoors and outdoors, in both private and professional projects.
A Truck in which members of the public may experience innovative SapienStone kitchen countertops firsthand. A fully functional kitchen will be set up inside the vehicle, with showcooking events on a SapienStone countertop. Following the inauguration at the company’s headquarters in Castellarano, the SapienStone Truck set off for Valencia, Spain to participate in Espacio Cocina-Sici 2017, an important international kitchen show coming up February 20 through 24, 2017 at the exhibition centre in Valencia, timed to coincide with Cevisama and Promat.

The SapienStone Truck tour will continue all over Europe, stopping in various European cities and capitals; the next few stops are:
- 20 - 24 February Valencia
- 2 March Alicante
- 6 March Madrid
- 9 March Vizcaya
- 13 March Barcelona

More stops will follow; keep up to date with the hashtag #aroundthetop and stay connected!