
Sala Architettura Berlin Fab Architectural Bureau Berlin

Showroom, Gallery, Sport & Wellness,

FAB Architectural Bureau,

On June 26 Fab Architectural Bureau, the new Fiandre, Ariostea and Porcelaingres gallery and showroom in Berlin, began a series of events and workshops organised in collaboration with blauraum + sbca studios.

Sala Architettura Berlin Fab Architectural Bureau Berlin

The FAB Architectural Bureau in Berlin, the new Graniti Fiandre, Ariostea and Porcelaingres gallery and showroom in the German capital, was inaugurated on June 26 as an empty space, a “work in progress” which will soon host a series of events and workshops under the name SALA ARCHITETTURA BERLIN, organised in collaboration with blauraum + sbca studios.

The series began on June 26 2015 and will continue over the next year, ending on June 26 2016, Tag der Architektur (architecture day), when FAB Architectural Bureau of Berlin will be presented to the public as a fully equipped space.
The installations will be provided with the assistance of studios blauraum + sbca and the German architects participating in each of the 3 theme workshops focusing on Graniti Fiandre products.
True to the spirit of FAB Architectural Bureau, the Berlin space will become a creative and cultural gallery at the service of architects, offering concrete solutions for ceramic coverings and contributing to architectural debate today.

(Agnese Bifulco)
