
Roma, Area Norway at Macro Testaccio


Rome, Oslo,

Sport & Wellness,


At the same time as the monographic exhibition on the work of Snøhetta architectural studios and as a complement to it, setting it in its geographic and cultural context, MACRO Testaccio in Rome is hosting a second exhibition about the Norwegian architecture, open until August 15.

Roma, Area Norway at Macro Testaccio With "Area Norway. Mellom himmel og jord / Between earth and sky" the exhibition curators, architects Gennaro Postiglione and Nicola Flora, invite us to take a trip heading north from Oslo.

The photographs and projects on exhibit at MACRO Testaccio in Rome until August 15 speak of a country which ensures that the beauty of even its most remote corners is accessible, with a road grid enriched by plans for 18 new panoramic routes.

From Knut Hjeltnes to Carl-Viggo Hølmebakk, from Reiulf Ramstad to Jensen&Skodvin, from the Space Group to BKARK, to mention only a few.
The exhibition presents more than twenty architectural studios, all Norwegian and mostly unknown outside the country, which have inherited the teachings of Sverre Fehn, Wenche Findal and Christian Norberg Schulz. The exhibition catalogue is issue 116 - Norway of Area magazine.

by Agnese Bifulco
Exhibition: Area Norway. Mellom himmel og jord / Tra terra e cielo (Between earth and sky
Dates: July 7 ? August 15 2011
Location: MACRO Testaccio, Rome, Italy
