
Restaurante Cruo by Persevera Producciones

Persevera Producciones,

© Fernando Alda,

Seville, Spain,


Bricks, Wood,

Cruo is a restaurant in the heart of Seville, near the Puente de Triana. It stands out for its rustic atmosphere, one that is elegant, warm and welcoming yet fresh and lively and was designed by Spanish studio Persevera Producciones.

Restaurante Cruo by Persevera Producciones

Persevera Producciones is the Spanish design studio behind the interior of Cruo, a restaurant in the heart of Seville, just a short walk from the Triana bridge. What distinguishes it is the balance of the various elements that make up the space, creating a fresh, welcoming, warm and lively atmosphere, one that is rustic but at the same time luxurious.

The old bricks that characterise the dining room have a soft, warm side enhanced by the furnishings, and shine in the light reflected by discrete, elegant lamps. While the exposed heating and air conditioning system gives a touch of industrial chic, the wooden floor offers an elegant, retro appeal. The atmosphere is fresh and large windows on three sides of the restaurant allow natural light to fall on a selection of ornamental plants that fill the space with life.
In this project by Persevera Producciones each element contributes in a careful, balanced way to produce a harmonious whole.

Francesco Cibati

Location: Seville, Spain
Year: 2017
Area: 90m2
Design: Persevera Producciones – www.perseveraproducciones.com
Team: Juan Pedro Donaire, Carlos Iglesias, José Fco García Gutiérrez, Pablo Baruc García Gómez, Carlota López González, Jose María Bayón Sánchez, María Ramos Bollo and Adolfo Monserrat Gómez
Photos: Fernando Alda – www.fernandoalda.com