
Fernando Alda for Victor Garcia Trejo: architecture photography, geometry and modesty

Victor Garcia Trejo – FAQ Arquitectura,

© Fernando Alda,

Seville, Spain,



Victor Garcia Trejo appointed Spanish photographer Fernando Alda to portray a recent renovation project in central Seville. The result is an interesting series of geometric shots in which the emphasis is on the sunbreak barrier that hugs the building the way a bridal veil covers a bride’s face.

Fernando Alda for Victor Garcia Trejo: architecture photography, geometry and modesty

Victor Garcia Trejo’s project entirely rehabilitated a building in central Seville with the aim of converting it for tourism/commercial use. Part of the project involved creation of a central patio providing access to the various residences. The space is characterised by a ceramic screen vertically covering the building’s entire height. Trejo’s idea was that with time these parts would be covered with ornamental plants, but for now they reveal their pleasing texture. This now you see it/now you don’t texture looks like a modest veil, partially concealing the building below it the way a veil covers a bride’s face.

This unusual temporary situation is immortalised by Spanish photographer Fernando Alda, whose lens captures the building’s profound geometric essence, palpably rendering the sensation of quiet and respect emanating from the screen of which it is composed. In the same way, we perceive the discrete, hospitable atmosphere that is so unusual these days, at a time when the imperative seems to be showing off and shouting out your identity to the world.

Francesco Cibati
Location: Seville, Spain
Year: 2017
Design: Victor Garcia Trejo – FAQ Arquitectura www.faq-arquitectura.com
Assistant: Ariadna Zerpa Chacon
Photos: Fernando Alda www.fernandoalda.com