
Postmates by Rapt Studio

San Francisco, California, USA, USA,

Companies, Sport & Wellness,


Postmates is a revolutionary delivery service that links people with the things they need in less than an hour. Rapt Studio is an architecture and design studio that links brands to the spaces in which they work.

Postmates by Rapt Studio

Postmates is a delivery company that operates all over the US. Its commitment is to bring people what they need within the hour.Rapt Studio, experts in communicating a brand through its space and interior design, have designed the Postmates headquarters.

Rapt Studio stripped the industrial building down to its bare bones to cover it with sober, natural materials, leaving large open spaces for collaboration between the various Postmates, with the aim of general development. Using the right amount of unexpected details and fully inspired by the courier’s work, Rapt Studio aimed to highlight the brand’s semantic and visual values, as well as to pay tribute to its most representative method of transport: thebicycle.

The surrounding white walls highlight the wood and iron, the main materials used for the false ceilings, stairs and furnishings. Bicycles hang on the walls and large windows allow natural light to enter all the spaces. A few objects, chosen with care, bring a touch of colour to various environments. The special design of Rapt Studio permeates the spaces, in which minimalism and modernism render the Postmates brand a multisensory experience.

Francesco Cibati

Place: San Francisco, California, USA
Year: 2015
Design: Rapt Studio
Images courtesy of Rapt Studio