
Perkins+Will Tinkham Veale University Center, CWRU, Ohio

Luca Molinari,




Tinkham Veale University Center, a new university centre at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Ohio, was built by architectural studio Perkins+Will and named winner in the “Education Building” category by the international jury of the 2016 ARCHMARATHON Awards.

Perkins+Will Tinkham Veale University Center, CWRU, Ohio

The international jury of the 2016 ARCHMARATHON Awards, chaired by architect Luca Molinari and composed of prominent architects and architecture critics: Lucy Bullivant, William Menking, Wassim Naghi, Li Brian Zhang and Elie Haddad, selected Tinkham Veale University Center at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) by Perkins+Will as the winner in the "Education Building" category. The judges particularly appreciated the connecting function which the building designed by Perkins+Will serves in the public space of the campus.

The building is located in the centre of an area made up of three separate zones on the campus of Case Western Reserve University in Ohio.
Tinkham Veale University Center contains a series of common functions and gathering places for students, including meeting rooms, offices for student organisations, etc. Through the three wings of the volume, students come together from different parts of the campus toward the centre of the building, which acts as a connector for the campus. At the point where the three wings come together is a space two floors high with panoramic views over the green western part of the campus; to avoid an excessive thermal load, the window is made of two glass “walls”.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Perkins+Will
Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Images courtesy of Michelle Litvin Studio
